Abby just purchased her first home. Be like Abby.

Did you know that women purchase real estate at one-tenth the rate of men?

We know what you’re thinking — this seems outrageous! So, we started digging. Why don’t more women buy real estate for living or working or investing? What are the roadblocks? And what can we do about it in a way that’s empowering?

Our solution was pretty simple - We would build a network!

Welcome to WIRE - a community of women connecting with each other to learn about and discuss ALL things real estate.

Knowledge = Power

It all begins with knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is confidence. By better understanding things related to real estate -  terms like escrow, contingency, title - and breaking down expenses, risk, and market data - we know that you will feel MUCH more confident in dipping a toe into the world of real estate. 

Our goal is to educate and guide. We will NOT sell you Get Rich Quick schemes or make you pay for guidebooks or weird consulting 1-on-1’s. That’s not our thing. 

We are experienced real estate professionals who understand all aspects of the business including the financial, market, and emotional parts.

Conversation & Cocktails

Join us (for FREE) on Thursday, November 9th 2023, from 5:30 - 7:00 pm, at Pacific Catch Westcoast Fish House, Westfield UTC, for our next event. We will have a great conversation and enjoy light bites and drinks. This quarter we are thrilled to have Amy Hsiao, Trust Attorney, join us! She will chat with us about the best way to hold title on your property to maximize asset protection of your real estate. You don't want to miss this - can’t wait to see you there! 

“I wasn’t sure where to begin when I started to think about buying my first home. I just knew that there was a lot I didn’t know! Steph was a great resource for helping me learn about real estate, and I am now way more confident in pursuing real estate opportunities. There’s no more fear.”

-Cameron Barbier, Real Estate Investor

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